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Recharge Ufone (PTCL) Pakistan | Send top-up

Recharge Ufone (PTCL) prepaid phones in Pakistan

Recharge online the mobile phone of family and friends in Pakistan. In a few steps the Ufone (PTCL) prepaid credit is sent safely.

Recipients phone number:

 Local taxes (25 %) are being deducted on top-up by country authorities.

At Prepaid Union you always pay safe with:

  • Ufone

    Ufone, known for its strong and uniquely humorous brand identity, is one of the top mobile service providers in Pakistan. Pak Telecom Mobile Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, began operations under the brand name ‘Ufone’ in January 2001.

    Due to the company’s dedication to offering its customer’s innovative products at affordable rates, its subscriber base had increased to over 20 million by September 2010. Those subscribers can now recharge Ufone Pakistan mobiles instantly online using prepaid Internet top-ups.

    Ufone Pakistan promises to give its customers many reasons to smile, which is why the company’s slogan is, ‘it’s all about U’. The corporation claims to have the lowest call rates in Pakistan and offers its customers a range of benefits such as, simplified tariffs with no hidden charges and the ability to recharge Ufone Pakistan online.

  • The service provider aims to stay ahead of telecommunications advances and is constantly developing and evolving to surpass the expectations of its customers. The company lets its customers recharge Ufone Pakistan mobiles from anywhere in the world.

    To recharge Ufone Pakistan phones using prepaid internet top-up, is an innovative service that is making the lives of many Ufone customers just that bit easier. This service is at the forefront of the telecommunications industry and underlines the high ambitions of Ufone Pakistan.

    Within a matter of minutes you can top up any Ufone mobile, not just in Pakistan but from anywhere in the world. If you want to read more about how to recharge Ufone Pakistan with a prepaid Internet top-up, visit

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